Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Colorful Cumin Salad

It's really nice to eat light, cool, zesty meals here. I like to have a couple of salads in the fridge that I can eat together or on their own for a big lunch. Here's one that's great as an accompaniment for roasted or stewed veg or on it's own for a simple meal. 

1 onion
3 spring onions
1 tomato
1 carrot
1 stock cube
cumin seeds
curry powder
some pine nuts
chunk of cucumber
half a lime

cut the onion into fairly big chunks, fry. When it’s starting to get soft, chuck a tablespoon or two of cumin seeds in and keep frying for a couple of minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the couscous with a stock cube and a decent amount of curry powder.
Cut up the tomato, spring onions and add to the couscous.
Mix in the onions and cumin seeds. Squeeze the lime juice in.
Grate the carrot and cut up the cucumber. 

I serve this by dishing out as much couscous as I’m hungry for, then adding the grated carrot and cubed cucumber on top. Then I add the pine nuts, which I’ve dry fried. 
I keep the carrot and cucumber separate because I leave a bunch of couscous in a thupperwarez for another meal and I don’t think they keep as well. 

Totally delicious on its own..loads of variations, you can pretty much chuck in anything you’ve got laying around. Peppers, beet, mango, would all be awesome in this, you could sub the pinenuts for peanuts or walnuts. You could use couac (like couscous but made of cassava), or bulgur wheat (which has a higher protein content than couscous).

It’s not got much protein, so you could have some lentils on the side, or yogurt, some cheese (goats or feta) or a couple of boiled eggs.

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