Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Life's getting sorted

I have a house with 2 other assistants. We live in Remire Montjoly, a kinda fancy town in the Cayenne agglomeration.. basically we’re living in the ‘burbs, tropical style. (I never pictured I would ever be doing that). Everyone in our neighbourhood has pools and gates that open electrically with flashing lights and dogs that bark when you come home late or leave early..and we’re pretty much the only people in the neighbourhood to ever go anywhere on foot.
We got a pretty sweet set up; a room each with ensweet bathrooms, a kitchen, a lounge we hardly never use and a terrace out back and front, all for 900 euros between us including bills. I got the middle room, it’s smaller and has a single bed (the boys got doubles), I wanted it like that. Our house is in the backyard of our landlady's, originally her dad built it for his three daughters when they were growing up.

Liam is American. He spent 2 years in Senegal and 6 months in New Orleans before coming here. I don’t know which of us is more into MIA, he’s also pretty big on Bob Dylan and New Orleans music – but he hadn’t heard The Meters.  He’s awesome.

Marcus is from Brazil. He likes beer and zoo, and loves burgers with garlic. He’s good company and always up for partying.

Kayla is another assistant who lives across the road from us. She’s the kinda girl you dream about when you think of America. She’s from Michigan, studied art history, spent a bunch of months in Paris before, has a scooter. She easily fills top gal pal position out here, and she’s veggie. Co-mealing=cool mealing!

We all hang out on the beach together in the afternoons (you can hear the waves from the terrace, it’s at the end of the road), and evening we cook good food, drink rum, listen to music and complain about the mosquitos.

So, life is getting sorted. I got wheels now - I bought a cute red scooter that I can't ride around yet cos I don't have insurance. I have a hammock to siesta in when the afternoon heat is hitting hard and the early starts got me tired, and we've been cooking some really nice meals. We've met a bunch of our neighbours, who are pretty nice, and I've fairly decided I'm going to stay here next year.

Pile of picutures of my new life:

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